Why use third party programm cluttering your drive with unnecessary programm when you can do cleaning with in built tools. Here is a brief discription;
Manually cleaning temp folder: Open run by pressing win + R and type “%temp%” (without quotes) and press enter or click OK. On pressing OK, a folder will be opened. This folder contains temporary folders and files that can be removed safely as they are not required anymore.
Manually deleting browsing history: For deleting temporary files in Internet Explorer just wipe off the browsing history.
In Firefox history can be cleared from tools and then “clear browsing history”.
For deleting history in chrome, go to setting>history and then “Clear browsing data”.
Uninstalling unnecessary Programs: For uninstalling unwanted programs, you can go to control panel > uninstall programs and uninstall unwanted and useless applications from there.
Empty the recycle bin: We think that deleting files and sending them to recycle bin removes the files from the hard disk but this isn’t the case, sending them to recycle bin just changes the location of the file. So empty the recycle bin every time you delete a couple of files.
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