Thursday, 2 May 2013

Use Google Fonts for loading website faster

 Google is now offering a convenient way to download Google Fonts, its 1,000+ collection of free, open-source fonts, to your desktop. Not only will your downloaded fonts sync to Google, they'll also help load websites faster if they use those fonts.

Although there are other ways to download Google Fonts to your computer, if you use the free tool SkyFonts as Google recommends, your fonts will be synced with Google's directory. So you'll always have the latest versions of the fonts (for example, if new characters are added).

Even if you don't plan on using the fonts for your own projects, installing the fonts locally, Google says, will make browsing websites that use those fonts faster, since your browser won't have to fetch the font data.

Download SkyFonts and Google Fonts via the link below. Once you've installed SkyFonts, browse the fonts collection on the website and select the ones you want to install. ( there's no "select all" option.)

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